K-7th classes for 2024-2025
Elementary K-7th Classes
(S)= This indicates classes that will be paired with another class; each being offered for half of the school year. Please contact us if you are interested in joining. If we don't have space you can request to be put on our waiting list.
Kindergarten and First Grade: People In My Neighborhood, Dinosaurs/ Wind & Waves(S), PE, Art/Puppetry(S)
Second and Third Grade: Gardening/Nutrition, Dinosaurs/ Wind & Waves(S), PE, Art/Puppetry(S)
Fourth and Fifth Grade: Duct Tape Warfare, Weather/Energy, PE, Art/Presentations (S)
Sixth and Seventh Grade: Coding/Typing, Kitchen Chemistry/Simple Machines, PE, Art/Presentations (S)