Nursery & PreschooL

When we meet

Mondays, Beginning Fall 2022 @ 8:00am-12:00pm

Nursery and Preschool

  1. Do you have an infant or toddler?

    1. The nursery is provided for volunteer families. Children in the nursery are between the ages of birth to 3 years old.

    2. The nursery should only be used when you are scheduled to be teaching/volunteering. For example, if you teach 1st & 3rd Hour that is the time your children can be in the nursery. When you are not volunteering you are to be with your children. You are welcome to stay in the nursery with your children.

  2. Do you have a Preschooler?

    1. Pre-school is available to children age 3 by September 1 & potty trained. We require that they have an older sibling attending LLA.

    2. They will have class from 8:00 am -12:00 pm.

    3. A typical day will include a Bible story, a lesson on letters/numbers, gym time & free playtime in the preschool room.

    4. Preschoolers are to be taken directly to their assigned room. Preschool students DO NOT come to the gym for opening. At the end of the day, preschool children are to be picked up from the same classroom they were dropped off in the morning.